
Jonathan Aiken
Jonathan AikenPresident, General Manager
Who am I? How about President of the COACB, Deacon, Jesus follower, TV host, devoted hubby, Dad of 3, and overall nice guy.
Kayleigh Aiken
Kayleigh AikenCustomer Service Assistant, TV Host
I am a senior at River Valley High School, Cheerleader, FFA Vice President, and member of the National Honors Society. I am also a proud member of the COACB family.
Tyler Amburgey
Tyler AmburgeyOperations Manager, Show Host
I am a born-again Christian, a singer in the southern gospel group Welcome Home, and a proud member of Bucyrus Freewill Baptist Church
Shannon Vera
Shannon VeraOffice Staff, Control Room Operator, Advertising Manager
Mother of 2 nurses, 1 dog and 2 cats. Strong follower of Jesus. Working cameras, phone, TV host, wherever they need me.
Amos Smith
Amos SmithPrayerLine and Program Host / Administrative Assistant
Hard working former truck driver, singer, worshipper, friend, and love’s to help out wherever needed.

Board Members

Jonathan Aiken
Jonathan AikenPresident, General Manager
Who am I? How about President of the COACB, Deacon, Jesus follower, TV host, devoted hubby, Dad of 3, and overall nice guy.
Tori Aiken
Tori AikenVice-President, Treasurer
Bernice Corwin
Bernice CorwinBoard Secretary and Board Member
I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 18. I hosted programs in Delaware and volunteer at the telethons. I have been a long time volunteer co-hosting our semi-annual telethons and volunteer for fund raising events. I attend Father’s House Church in Delaware. And I am a proud great-grandmother of two granddaughters.
Brad Richardson
Brad RichardsonBoard Member, PrayerLine Host
One of the original volunteers, board member, prayer-line host, past vice president of COACB. Father of 3 children and husband to my loving wife.
Thomas Callahan
Thomas CallahanBoard Member, PrayerLine Host
I am an ordained Minister serving as the Associate Pastor at Lifebuilders Worship Center in Delaware, Ohio. I am a Board member and have been a volunteer at TV 39 for 25 years now. My wife Mary and I are Hosts on PrayerLine LIVE.
Linda Williams
Linda WilliamsBoard Member, Host of First Saturday Night Gospel Sings
Linda Williams, board member, long time volunteer at the Delaware and Marion TV stations of 24 years, host and schedule singers for the live Gospel sing for the last 20 years. I am a retired teacher of special education who loves the Lord. I also teach painting classes and have one daughter and two dogs whom I love very much. I have served the Lord since I was 18 years old and I attend The Vineyard Church of Delaware County. Jesus Is My Lord and savior. Praise His holy name forever!
Stephen Aiken
Stephen AikenBoard Member
I am the Director of the Multi-County Jail in Marion, Ohio, Married for 20+ years, Father of two, hunter, farmer, and lover of God’s beauty in nature.


Tom Beaver
Tom BeaverVolunteer, IT Consultant
Self-Proclaimed Geek, Trekkie, Youngest of 3 brothers & Technology Guru. Work a full-time job, operate 2 self-owned companies and still find time too volunteer too help spread the word of Jesus over the air-waves.
Richard Stevens
Richard StevensPrayerLine and Program Host
Richard is the host of PrayerLine on Fridays, and on his program “It’s a Good Life”.
Chloe Aiken
Chloe AikenCOACB Volunteer
Chloe answers phones on the Word of Truth broadcast and loves to help out whenever she can. Loves cats and all things cuddly. She is in the marching band and bowling team at the River valley High School.

Interested in Volunteering?

Email us today and we will get in touch about various volunteer opportunities.